My Journey, Your Inspiration

Caring for the wrong people

Why do we care for people who don’t know us, or want to know us, but we disregard the ones who would die for us every single day.

That’s a big statement to make but i’m sure it holds true for many people because it held true for me once, I remember my school days like it was yesterday, I would be more concerned about being popular, more concerned about what I wore, who I talked to or what attention I was getting from the opposite sex that I never stopped to reflect that the ones who really cared about me (and I mean deep down unconditional love care) were sitting at home waiting for me everyday to come home, hell even my dog probably cared for me more than most of the “friends” I had back then.

Lets get personal into my life and i’ll give you an example, everyone must have that one friend who you thought you would be inseparable from, you knew that if the moment called for it you could pick up the phone, text, or contact in anyway and they would be there. I had that, I had quite a few people I could put into that category, so we all know what’s going to happen next and if this has happened to you you’ll relate to what i’m talking about. The calls dry up, the texts stop coming through, they start ignoring messages, soon you realize that the bond you thought you had with your friend isn’t there anymore, they’ve either out grown you or no longer require you in their circle. Whilst all of this was happening i’m sure you can guess who would notice, my family, they would notice my mood swings, but they would always be there, mum would cook my meals, try to make me laugh, lift me up. My siblings would do the same albeit in a more annoying way at the time but they were still there, and one thing hit me after I lost all of my friends, I MEAN all of my friends, I realized that one thing that was consistent throughout all of this was my family, for you it might even be your partner or your true best friend, but these people were there constantly. EVERYDAY without fail. In my greed to be accepted by society, in my desire to be popular I realized that I had what I was looking for already, just to be accepted for who i was, I didn’t have to dress any differently, I didn’t have to be anything I wasn’t, I was accepted from the moment my feet hit the floor in the morning to the moment I rested at night.



I want to speak directly to whoever is reading this, i’ll talk more about social networks in another post and the adulation and acceptance we indirectly want from others we don’t even know, but for now I want you, whoever is reading this to listen to me very carefully, don’t change, don’t chase, stay exactly as you are, as long as when you look in the mirror what you see is the best version you can be just continue to show that person everyday, appreciate your loved ones at home, appreciate anyone who has truly unconditionally loved you for who you are, and let go of those who haven’t, you’ll know those people in your lives, the part time friends, or the part time mates who come talk to you when its convenient for them. You’re not a charity case, you’re kind inside but you deserve to be surrounded by people who get you for you. So next time think carefully, if these people aren’t giving you what your family give you then it’s time to reassess your circle, keep it small, keep it to the people you trust with your life and I promise you’ll be more happier, no one wants to be that person who thinks they have 1000 friends, but when the chips are down 999 of them disappear.



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