My Journey, Your Inspiration


Clean Up Your Instagram/Twitter Account

Lets get started then, I’m not wasting anymore time because I need to inspire you, I need to lift you, I want YOU to succeed, I want YOU to do well so I have to be 100% real, more real then anyone who has ever spoken to you. I’m going to start with one fundamental move that might save your future, I’m going to attack your social networks.

We need to understand the influence that our social circle both offline/online has to our mood, to our goals and to our day to day attitude, I would know because as soon as I started doing what I’m about to tell you to do I saw instant improvements in my day to day life, I saw myself being motivated, being ready to take on the day, I would browse my social networks, put my phone down and then go and do something to make me achieve a goal, didn’t matter if it was in the gym or at work.

Now we all know instagram/twitter is a way to communicate and to make new friends, meet new people, but here’s the harsh reality, YOU DON’T NEED ALL OF THESE PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE, ouch…yeah I did just say that, let me make it clearer, YOU personally do not need to have your eyes looking into thousands of peoples day to day routine through your instagram feed, I’ll explain why. What in essence you are doing is letting these people show you what they do day to day without you having any control until you hit the unfollow button, they could be posting pictures of food, of random cartoons or any other garbage which is not making me or you any better off, what do I mean by that…Lets do a little experiment, scroll down your instagram feed and tell me what you see, what do you feel like doing at the end of it, maybe scrolling some more? going to grab something to eat because all the pictures of food made you hungry? maybe you saw something like pictures of people drinking and partying, what do you feel like doing now on a friday night?

I think this concept, it did take me a little while to figure out how it benefited me, I started off small, I wanted to make gains in the gym, I wanted to be more healthy, so on instagram I started to follow people who went to the gym, I started to follow gym pages, and motivational pages, now whenever I go onto my social networks and I see other people in the gym, looking good, getting a better body instantly I feel motivated to hit the weight room or go for a run. Alternatively, for work I want to be rich, I want to be successful, so I follow pages or people who portray that success or somewhere I want to be, it could even be a millionaires instagram page of all the luxuries they are enjoying, now when i’m procrastinating and I scroll through my instagram feed I see them on their yacht and I tell myself I want that, I go and study.

Now I’m not telling you to instantly remove all of your friends on your instagram feed who don’t contribute positively to your success or life, that would be very harsh (but a needed reality check), I do think you should just take into account when you’re on social networks how much people can really influence your mood and your motivations, its similar to hanging out with the wrong type of people who influence you away from your goals not intentionally but just by the way they live. So look into your twitter and instagram, give it a detox, anyone who is constantly posting pictures that are not positive in anyway to your life and they’re not your friends (family members are okay, remove them) think of removing them and following more positive people. We’ll deal with friends in a later post.

I hope this makes sense and puts you a step in the right direction, maybe it only worked for me, but it did genuinely help me especially during periods I would be procrastinating on my phone and browsing instagram to kill time, maybe it can help you a little as well.


Now read something that might help your day be a bit more productive





I’ll Be Your Motivation

I did originally start up this blog to just post random thoughts, but I’ve decided amongst that I’ll post more and more things to inspire. The reason being is that during last year I could of used someone trying to motivate and inspire me so I could better myself and be a better person, but I never found anyone. Yes there were books, yes there were people out there who did this but I could never relate to them.

So why me? I’m just a graduate in a graduate scheme, normal family (not perfectly normal) but surprisingly i’m just like you, i’m not here to make money blogging is just a hobby i picked up and the most important thing is I went through what you’re going through, I had the lowest points of my life over the last two years which i will talk about in the coming posts and here i am, am i healed? probably not but I’m in a damn better place then I was back then.

So if you’re lost, if you just need someone to talk to you that you can relate to, if you just need picking up on a bad day, week, month, from a complete stranger who has no idea himself how get got out of bis rough patch (just kidding) then I’m the guy for you, step into my blog…


Shakira & Rihanna – Can’t Remember To Forget You (Sex Sells/Music Doesn’t)


Just saw the video for this song, let me get something straight off the bat, they’re beautiful, i’m not questioning that. The song however isn’t great, it’s definitely not great. So why will this go and get millions of views and enter the charts ahead of talented artists and songs, you’ve seen the video, it’s purely because of the sex appeal, the over the top body movements, as a guy i’m not going to complain majorly about this but there’s a time and place. It seems more and more that artists are putting out mediocre songs, just average songs and spending crap loads on music videos where they get half naked and grind or twerk in order to get the sales. We as the public lap it up, we’re the ones to blame, we put them on a pedestal and keep watching the videos, keep listening to average songs until we actually grow to like them. I mean how often have you heard a song for the first time and thought “nah that’s crap” but then you constantly hear it over and over, you hear it out whilst clubbing, and all of a sudden it’s stuck in your head. That’s not music, that’s just you getting used to a song and it’s now gone from crap to good.

Half the artists in the charts use this tactic, even Beyonce does, although granted she still makes good music, but some of these artists are no more talented then your average busker outside a tube station yet because of their looks and the way videos are directed because lets be honest any woman can look beautiful if she’s put in those types of clothes, works out to a celebrity regime and has people editing and manipulating everything for a music video. Because of all of this we believe they are more beautiful, more talented, and worthy of these millions of views.

I just think we’re all being fooled, music was about the time we just put headphones in, put a record on (ask your grandparents) and we would just listen, that’s it, you didn’t need a visual stimulation to make the song better, you didn’t need an over the top music video to make you like the song, it didn’t matter who was singing the song, as long as they could sing. Now we’ve evolved into a sexual music industry where we only adore those who look good first, then make okay to good music. Granted there are times when people do sit up and listen to music over looks like…



You’ll get the occasional artist more and more these days, even people like Ed Sheeran who just show that it’s not all about looks, and it makes me happy to know that people do appreciate good music otherwise they wouldn’t ever make it into the charts, maybe there’s hope for the music industry yet…



Caring for the wrong people

Why do we care for people who don’t know us, or want to know us, but we disregard the ones who would die for us every single day.

That’s a big statement to make but i’m sure it holds true for many people because it held true for me once, I remember my school days like it was yesterday, I would be more concerned about being popular, more concerned about what I wore, who I talked to or what attention I was getting from the opposite sex that I never stopped to reflect that the ones who really cared about me (and I mean deep down unconditional love care) were sitting at home waiting for me everyday to come home, hell even my dog probably cared for me more than most of the “friends” I had back then.

Lets get personal into my life and i’ll give you an example, everyone must have that one friend who you thought you would be inseparable from, you knew that if the moment called for it you could pick up the phone, text, or contact in anyway and they would be there. I had that, I had quite a few people I could put into that category, so we all know what’s going to happen next and if this has happened to you you’ll relate to what i’m talking about. The calls dry up, the texts stop coming through, they start ignoring messages, soon you realize that the bond you thought you had with your friend isn’t there anymore, they’ve either out grown you or no longer require you in their circle. Whilst all of this was happening i’m sure you can guess who would notice, my family, they would notice my mood swings, but they would always be there, mum would cook my meals, try to make me laugh, lift me up. My siblings would do the same albeit in a more annoying way at the time but they were still there, and one thing hit me after I lost all of my friends, I MEAN all of my friends, I realized that one thing that was consistent throughout all of this was my family, for you it might even be your partner or your true best friend, but these people were there constantly. EVERYDAY without fail. In my greed to be accepted by society, in my desire to be popular I realized that I had what I was looking for already, just to be accepted for who i was, I didn’t have to dress any differently, I didn’t have to be anything I wasn’t, I was accepted from the moment my feet hit the floor in the morning to the moment I rested at night.



I want to speak directly to whoever is reading this, i’ll talk more about social networks in another post and the adulation and acceptance we indirectly want from others we don’t even know, but for now I want you, whoever is reading this to listen to me very carefully, don’t change, don’t chase, stay exactly as you are, as long as when you look in the mirror what you see is the best version you can be just continue to show that person everyday, appreciate your loved ones at home, appreciate anyone who has truly unconditionally loved you for who you are, and let go of those who haven’t, you’ll know those people in your lives, the part time friends, or the part time mates who come talk to you when its convenient for them. You’re not a charity case, you’re kind inside but you deserve to be surrounded by people who get you for you. So next time think carefully, if these people aren’t giving you what your family give you then it’s time to reassess your circle, keep it small, keep it to the people you trust with your life and I promise you’ll be more happier, no one wants to be that person who thinks they have 1000 friends, but when the chips are down 999 of them disappear.



We Say We Want A Relationship – But We Don’t Want It

This is my personal experience, from what I’ve seen being part of social networks, seeing hundreds of my generation on sites such as Twitter, Facebook or Instagram interacting with each other, but I do believe what I’m going to say now will probably hold true for some people out there.

I wanted to write something after seeing the Grammys, I remember the song John Legend – All of Me, if you haven’t seen it, it’s linked in below…

Quite amazing right, how about this one…

When I see these videos I see something I want, and that holds for most people. We as humans are built to love, no one can deny that, and no one should believe that they will remain single forever. That’s a common remark used by so many youngsters or independent people who fall into the category of either they really don’t ever want a relationship, or secretly they want a relationship but would rather lie to the world and repeatedly repeat they do not want a relationship. So much so you can see them talking about it quite often, or making jokes about their predicament. We should cut the crap – no one wants that, looking at these videos, looking at the people who look at power couples, everyone wants their Beyonce, every girl wants her “insert whichever guy they crush on in the media” .

But here’s the problem, we want something that we don’t really want. It’s one thing to say I want to be like Beyonce or Jay-Z but when it comes down to it, every action that people portray is to shut themselves off from that kind of love. My time on twitter saw a lot of weird things, amongst them was something that showed me that most of us are doomed. Social media has killed romance, social media has killed our chances of finding easily what these people have.

There was a time when a man could approach a girl he likes out in public, he saw someone beautiful, he would approach her, it was human instinct, he wanted to talk to her. The girl would hesitate, she would then accept a dinner, she would dress up, he would arrive nervous, they would have an awkward date, the first kiss and so on and so on…

Now the scenario thanks to social media goes like this….

Guy/Girl approaches the same girl/guy online, they ignore them.

It actually saddens me because so many people are missing out on finding their soul mate, being Indian I know the pressures of once you get close to 25/26 parents start worrying when will you get married, so when girls reject every guy that tries to approach them due to their belief he is not sincere, and when all guys message a 100 girls with the same generic message where will people find their partners. It can’t be online, so now in todays age we’re hoping to bump into someone outside, maybe in your circle of friends, maybe in your work place. What happens when that fails? Nothing, simply nothing, it then turns into the point where we start panicking the older we get that we shouldn’t of been so quick to disregard every advance from the opposite sex online. That’s why we want the end product, we want that perfect relationship, we just don’t know how to get to that place anymore, if the onus was on the girl to do all the work, how many girls reading this would find a guy themselves, approach and secure a soul mate before it’s time to get married? How many guys would be able to get through to a girl other then in a club scenario, how many guys would be able to find a soul mate once your circle of friends, alcohol and your work environment fails?


What John Legend has, what Beyonce has, it’s amazing, it looks as amazing as it looks. When you see them smile, when you see their look in their eyes, it’s the realest thing we will ever find on this earth. In my opinion I think we should all look to open up a little bit more, be more open minded to every human contact we come in touch with, whether that’s online/offline. Who knows they could possibly be your soul mate..

Or not, let this trend continue on and pray that someone just randomly bumps into you in the street, the chances aren’t high.



My Mother

For those of you who follow me on my Instagram, which can be found @ AnAngelsSon , you will know how much my mother (as you can tell from the IG name) means to me, she’s a single mum, and as most single mums she’s had to struggle dealing with three children who weren’t always the most loving children. I wanted to introduce her to you, because who I am today stems mostly from her and her unconditional love she has shown me throughout my life.

To give you a rough idea of what she’s been through lists such as brain tumors, heart problems and financial struggles have all added up on top of each other, I think we can safely say that most cancer survivors are amongst the bravest people we know on this earth, my mother never shed a tear whilst we did, or looked sad throughout the treatment, she has taught me how to be humble, how to achieve my goals and how to be a better man each and every day. The way I speak to people, even if it’s females I was raised to have the utmost respect for every human being because I saw first hand how my mother was treated and she made me promise that I would never treat another female on this earth the same way. These lessons amongst many have made me cherish my angel that little bit more.

I am honestly blessed to have such an inspiring role model in my life who has taken the place of two parents, I believe we are all blessed if we even have one parent in our lives, I can never imagine what it would be like to raise a child alone, I couldn’t although circumstances force the most kind hearted people to shine.

So if you’re reading this I’m going to cut this one short and just say this, your mum, or your dad, or both if you’re lucky enough are probably somewhere at home or in this world, and life is too short for you to not go up to them and hug them that little bit tighter or to say I love you that little bit more, because really tomorrow isn’t promised and whoever is left on this earth to see tomorrow they shouldn’t have to live with the regret that they never got to say how much their parents meant to them.

So go on, what are you waiting for, go up to them while they’re making your dinner night after night, washing your clothes, or watching TV and just say I appreciate you. It will be worth it, I promise…

Mother and Child



The Grammys 2014 – Human Rights stole the show not Beyonce/Jay-Z

Just speechless…that’s how I felt when the soon to be wedded couples walked out during the grammys with Queen Latifah speaking ceremoniously behind them, I mean I love Same Love, I knew the song and I have it on my IPhone constantly played but for the first time I actually had my hand over my mouth shocked, and a little emotional (I’m still a guy).

If you haven’t heard of Same Love, it’s basically a song that promotes human rights for all, in this case the right for all people on this earth to find their true love, be it the same sex or opposite sex. I love the lyrics, whilst in my opinion Mackelmore and Ryan Lewis have really created the most genuine song of the year for me. I did feel that the publicity that the Grammys got especially on social networks was specifically towards the power couple Beyonce & Jay-Z, now don’t get me wrong I love them just as much as the next person and I do love the song but it did highlight how much we love the glitz and glamor of celebrities especially among the younger generation as oppose to real lyrics and real music. As LL Cool J said in his opening monologue this was much more than just music, it had the power to change people, a universal language that had the power to change the very way we think.

I don’t know about you guys but I hope that we have many more moments like the Grammys and I hope more people become open to the idea that it is freedom and human rights for all, there is no difference….(get what i did there..)

Same Love Grammys



My Blog

Hi everyone,

Not sure why i’ve penned this like an open letter but I wanted to just welcome you personally for visiting my blog, i’m no one special nor am I a celebrity, my life isn’t the most fascinating but just like you I do have a voice and thoughts, I just wanted to use this blog as a way to express my opinions and my life journey.

Hope you’ll enjoy the ride,
