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Posts tagged “relationships

We Say We Want A Relationship – But We Don’t Want It

This is my personal experience, from what I’ve seen being part of social networks, seeing hundreds of my generation on sites such as Twitter, Facebook or Instagram interacting with each other, but I do believe what I’m going to say now will probably hold true for some people out there.

I wanted to write something after seeing the Grammys, I remember the song John Legend – All of Me, if you haven’t seen it, it’s linked in below…

Quite amazing right, how about this one…

When I see these videos I see something I want, and that holds for most people. We as humans are built to love, no one can deny that, and no one should believe that they will remain single forever. That’s a common remark used by so many youngsters or independent people who fall into the category of either they really don’t ever want a relationship, or secretly they want a relationship but would rather lie to the world and repeatedly repeat they do not want a relationship. So much so you can see them talking about it quite often, or making jokes about their predicament. We should cut the crap – no one wants that, looking at these videos, looking at the people who look at power couples, everyone wants their Beyonce, every girl wants her “insert whichever guy they crush on in the media” .

But here’s the problem, we want something that we don’t really want. It’s one thing to say I want to be like Beyonce or Jay-Z but when it comes down to it, every action that people portray is to shut themselves off from that kind of love. My time on twitter saw a lot of weird things, amongst them was something that showed me that most of us are doomed. Social media has killed romance, social media has killed our chances of finding easily what these people have.

There was a time when a man could approach a girl he likes out in public, he saw someone beautiful, he would approach her, it was human instinct, he wanted to talk to her. The girl would hesitate, she would then accept a dinner, she would dress up, he would arrive nervous, they would have an awkward date, the first kiss and so on and so on…

Now the scenario thanks to social media goes like this….

Guy/Girl approaches the same girl/guy online, they ignore them.

It actually saddens me because so many people are missing out on finding their soul mate, being Indian I know the pressures of once you get close to 25/26 parents start worrying when will you get married, so when girls reject every guy that tries to approach them due to their belief he is not sincere, and when all guys message a 100 girls with the same generic message where will people find their partners. It can’t be online, so now in todays age we’re hoping to bump into someone outside, maybe in your circle of friends, maybe in your work place. What happens when that fails? Nothing, simply nothing, it then turns into the point where we start panicking the older we get that we shouldn’t of been so quick to disregard every advance from the opposite sex online. That’s why we want the end product, we want that perfect relationship, we just don’t know how to get to that place anymore, if the onus was on the girl to do all the work, how many girls reading this would find a guy themselves, approach and secure a soul mate before it’s time to get married? How many guys would be able to get through to a girl other then in a club scenario, how many guys would be able to find a soul mate once your circle of friends, alcohol and your work environment fails?


What John Legend has, what Beyonce has, it’s amazing, it looks as amazing as it looks. When you see them smile, when you see their look in their eyes, it’s the realest thing we will ever find on this earth. In my opinion I think we should all look to open up a little bit more, be more open minded to every human contact we come in touch with, whether that’s online/offline. Who knows they could possibly be your soul mate..

Or not, let this trend continue on and pray that someone just randomly bumps into you in the street, the chances aren’t high.