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Posts tagged “shakira

Shakira & Rihanna – Can’t Remember To Forget You (Sex Sells/Music Doesn’t)


Just saw the video for this song, let me get something straight off the bat, they’re beautiful, i’m not questioning that. The song however isn’t great, it’s definitely not great. So why will this go and get millions of views and enter the charts ahead of talented artists and songs, you’ve seen the video, it’s purely because of the sex appeal, the over the top body movements, as a guy i’m not going to complain majorly about this but there’s a time and place. It seems more and more that artists are putting out mediocre songs, just average songs and spending crap loads on music videos where they get half naked and grind or twerk in order to get the sales. We as the public lap it up, we’re the ones to blame, we put them on a pedestal and keep watching the videos, keep listening to average songs until we actually grow to like them. I mean how often have you heard a song for the first time and thought “nah that’s crap” but then you constantly hear it over and over, you hear it out whilst clubbing, and all of a sudden it’s stuck in your head. That’s not music, that’s just you getting used to a song and it’s now gone from crap to good.

Half the artists in the charts use this tactic, even Beyonce does, although granted she still makes good music, but some of these artists are no more talented then your average busker outside a tube station yet because of their looks and the way videos are directed because lets be honest any woman can look beautiful if she’s put in those types of clothes, works out to a celebrity regime and has people editing and manipulating everything for a music video. Because of all of this we believe they are more beautiful, more talented, and worthy of these millions of views.

I just think we’re all being fooled, music was about the time we just put headphones in, put a record on (ask your grandparents) and we would just listen, that’s it, you didn’t need a visual stimulation to make the song better, you didn’t need an over the top music video to make you like the song, it didn’t matter who was singing the song, as long as they could sing. Now we’ve evolved into a sexual music industry where we only adore those who look good first, then make okay to good music. Granted there are times when people do sit up and listen to music over looks like…



You’ll get the occasional artist more and more these days, even people like Ed Sheeran who just show that it’s not all about looks, and it makes me happy to know that people do appreciate good music otherwise they wouldn’t ever make it into the charts, maybe there’s hope for the music industry yet…