My Journey, Your Inspiration

Posts tagged “depression

Clean Up Your Instagram/Twitter Account

Lets get started then, I’m not wasting anymore time because I need to inspire you, I need to lift you, I want YOU to succeed, I want YOU to do well so I have to be 100% real, more real then anyone who has ever spoken to you. I’m going to start with one fundamental move that might save your future, I’m going to attack your social networks.

We need to understand the influence that our social circle both offline/online has to our mood, to our goals and to our day to day attitude, I would know because as soon as I started doing what I’m about to tell you to do I saw instant improvements in my day to day life, I saw myself being motivated, being ready to take on the day, I would browse my social networks, put my phone down and then go and do something to make me achieve a goal, didn’t matter if it was in the gym or at work.

Now we all know instagram/twitter is a way to communicate and to make new friends, meet new people, but here’s the harsh reality, YOU DON’T NEED ALL OF THESE PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE, ouch…yeah I did just say that, let me make it clearer, YOU personally do not need to have your eyes looking into thousands of peoples day to day routine through your instagram feed, I’ll explain why. What in essence you are doing is letting these people show you what they do day to day without you having any control until you hit the unfollow button, they could be posting pictures of food, of random cartoons or any other garbage which is not making me or you any better off, what do I mean by that…Lets do a little experiment, scroll down your instagram feed and tell me what you see, what do you feel like doing at the end of it, maybe scrolling some more? going to grab something to eat because all the pictures of food made you hungry? maybe you saw something like pictures of people drinking and partying, what do you feel like doing now on a friday night?

I think this concept, it did take me a little while to figure out how it benefited me, I started off small, I wanted to make gains in the gym, I wanted to be more healthy, so on instagram I started to follow people who went to the gym, I started to follow gym pages, and motivational pages, now whenever I go onto my social networks and I see other people in the gym, looking good, getting a better body instantly I feel motivated to hit the weight room or go for a run. Alternatively, for work I want to be rich, I want to be successful, so I follow pages or people who portray that success or somewhere I want to be, it could even be a millionaires instagram page of all the luxuries they are enjoying, now when i’m procrastinating and I scroll through my instagram feed I see them on their yacht and I tell myself I want that, I go and study.

Now I’m not telling you to instantly remove all of your friends on your instagram feed who don’t contribute positively to your success or life, that would be very harsh (but a needed reality check), I do think you should just take into account when you’re on social networks how much people can really influence your mood and your motivations, its similar to hanging out with the wrong type of people who influence you away from your goals not intentionally but just by the way they live. So look into your twitter and instagram, give it a detox, anyone who is constantly posting pictures that are not positive in anyway to your life and they’re not your friends (family members are okay, remove them) think of removing them and following more positive people. We’ll deal with friends in a later post.

I hope this makes sense and puts you a step in the right direction, maybe it only worked for me, but it did genuinely help me especially during periods I would be procrastinating on my phone and browsing instagram to kill time, maybe it can help you a little as well.


Now read something that might help your day be a bit more productive





I’ll Be Your Motivation

I did originally start up this blog to just post random thoughts, but I’ve decided amongst that I’ll post more and more things to inspire. The reason being is that during last year I could of used someone trying to motivate and inspire me so I could better myself and be a better person, but I never found anyone. Yes there were books, yes there were people out there who did this but I could never relate to them.

So why me? I’m just a graduate in a graduate scheme, normal family (not perfectly normal) but surprisingly i’m just like you, i’m not here to make money blogging is just a hobby i picked up and the most important thing is I went through what you’re going through, I had the lowest points of my life over the last two years which i will talk about in the coming posts and here i am, am i healed? probably not but I’m in a damn better place then I was back then.

So if you’re lost, if you just need someone to talk to you that you can relate to, if you just need picking up on a bad day, week, month, from a complete stranger who has no idea himself how get got out of bis rough patch (just kidding) then I’m the guy for you, step into my blog…
