My Journey, Your Inspiration

Posts tagged “finding yourself

I’ll Be Your Motivation

I did originally start up this blog to just post random thoughts, but I’ve decided amongst that I’ll post more and more things to inspire. The reason being is that during last year I could of used someone trying to motivate and inspire me so I could better myself and be a better person, but I never found anyone. Yes there were books, yes there were people out there who did this but I could never relate to them.

So why me? I’m just a graduate in a graduate scheme, normal family (not perfectly normal) but surprisingly i’m just like you, i’m not here to make money blogging is just a hobby i picked up and the most important thing is I went through what you’re going through, I had the lowest points of my life over the last two years which i will talk about in the coming posts and here i am, am i healed? probably not but I’m in a damn better place then I was back then.

So if you’re lost, if you just need someone to talk to you that you can relate to, if you just need picking up on a bad day, week, month, from a complete stranger who has no idea himself how get got out of bis rough patch (just kidding) then I’m the guy for you, step into my blog…
